Hi. My name is Charlie Gutierrez. I create teaching tools for the disabled. Let me tell you right up front; I intend on making the wheel chair obsolete. There’s nothing good about sitting all the time. My experience confirms that the vast majority of wheelchair users can stand and walk at some therapeutic and functional level…..if they’re just given a safe, proper, and comfortable opportunity. Doing whatever is physically possible to do is a savings of life. Health of the digestive and circulatory systems is elevated. Muscle and skeletal systems are strengthened. And happiness is increased. Everything good and nothing bad. And the cost of liberating the wheelchair bound is miniscule compared to the cost of immobility. There are many millions world wide sitting in wheelchairs who don’t even know that this is possible. Allow me to introduce you to the LiftWalker. This is one of eleven radical mobility products which I have in development.